Chapter Patch Rides

Uniquely Raleigh HOG Patches

Raleigh HOG offers some great riding opportunities with our weekly group chapter rides. We also encourage members to take off on their own and enjoy the great North Carolina highways and byways on their Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

Be sure to read the Patch Ride Rules and Guidelines and reach out to the Patch Ride Coordinators if you have any questions.

Mount up and ride the miles that bring the smiles and latch onto a patch.

John and DeeAnn S. are your patch ride coordinators

Please let them know when you are starting to work on achieving any of the patches

NC 100 Counties patch

NC 100 Counties Patch

Raleigh HOG created this patch to encourage chapter members to visit all 100 North Carolina counties while riding their Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Each participating member must maintain and present a completed log to be awarded the patch. Couples should maintain a separate log for both participants. Obtain a copy of the patch rules, a log for recording county visits and a map to get started. Use the map to visually see what counties have been visited and to plan routes for counties to be visited. Credit cannot be claimed for county visits prior to officially starting.


NC Five Points Patch

No compass required. Just visit the five cities which are considered the geographic North, South, East, West and center of North Carolina. The cities are Mount Airy (North), Calabash (South), Buxton (East), Murphy (West) and Star (center). A location has been chosen in each city where a picture can be taken with your Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Download the photo-op locations for each city, make memories and earn a patch.

ride into the wild patch

Ride Into The Wild Patch

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!Here's the patch that brings out the wild side of those that enjoy visiting zoos, animal sanctuaries and nature centers. Visit 7 of the 14 destinations to earn this patch. Start your Harley-Davidson motorcycle safari and remember, please don't feed the animals.

CHDDA patch


Do you enjoy riding your Harley to visit Harley-Davidson dealerships? Earn this patch by visiting each member dealership of the Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association (CHDDA). There are 15 dealerships located throughout North & South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. There is no time limit for ride completion. Purchase a poker chip or take a picture with your Harley-Davidson motorcycle in front of the dealership. Be sure to tell them you are from Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson. Follow the current member list of CHDDA dealers to complete your journey.

eat some hog patch

Eat Some Hog Patch

Ride to at least 12 different BBQ restaurants and take a photo of your Harley-Davidson motorcycle and the restaurant sign. The word Barbeque or Smoke must appear on the restaurant sign.

chowhound patch

Chowhound Patch

We've put together a list of eating establishments gathered from the Tar Heel Traveler and other sources for the best food in a 100 mile radius. To earn this patch you must visit 10 different establishments. It will be interesting to hear the different reviews for each establishment. Ride to some of the chowhound locations in each city, loosen your belt and get your chow on.

weenie patch

Weenie Ride Patch

Do you like hotdogs? Then mount up for the "Weenie Ride" patch. There are many famous hot dog establishments across the great state of North Carolina. Ride to at least 12 different locations and take a photo of your Harley-Davidson motorcycle and the restaurant sign.

burger trail patch

NC Burger Trail Patch

Nothing could be finer than to ride the Carolina Burger Trail. (With apologies to Al Jolson.) Visit these eight burger joints which were voted the best burgers in North Carolina.

ice cream patch

Ice Cream Patch

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Mount your Harley-Davidson motorcycle and ride for everyone's favorite frozen treat. With locations across our state, your tastebuds are sure to be tantalized. Choose from this list and ride to 20 different locations to earn your patch.

revolutionary war patch

NC Revolutionary War Battlefields Patch

Are you a history buff? This addition to the patch rides is the Revolutionary War Battlefields patch. There are seven stops to earn this patch. Visit each one and take a photo of your Harley-Davidson motorcycle with a battlefield sign. Get the list of NC Revolutionary War battlefields, mount your iron horse and visit history.

civil war patch

NC Civil War Battlefields Patch

There are 19 Civil War Battlefields in North Carolina. Visit each one and take a photo of your Harley-Davidson motorcycle with the battlefield sign. Get the list of NC Civil War battlefields, mount up and visit history.

monuments and memorials patch

NC Memorials and Monuments Patch

All gave some, some gave all. Visit 10 of these 19 Memorials and Monuments located around North Carolina and take a picture that includes your Harley-Davidson motorcycle to earn this patch.