Join Jere on a lunch ride to Brookland Eats. This is a 75 mile backroad road once out of Raleigh.
The parking lot at Brookland Eats is paved, but sloped. Be sure bike is balanced properly and that you can get it off the sidestand. Ride from TRHD to Wake Forest will be park city streets, part country roads. We will take a short break at Sheetz in Youngsville and the rest of the trip will be country roads.
Come with your tanks full and ready to eat.
Counties: Wake, Durham, Vance, Granville
KSU from Tobacco Road HD at 9AM
Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member. All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.
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