Racing into 2025

Event date: 
Sat, 04/12/2025 - 9:00am

Racing into 2025

Join Tavie on a ride to RCR Racing Museum - Admission $10.00      

Departing From Tobacco Road Harley Davidson at 9AM

Approximate Ride Distance  - 100 miles

Lunch stop will be determined after the Museum on our way back to the Triangle.

Visitors walk through time and traces how an independent one-car team evolved into one of NASCAR’s most successful organizations.  

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.  All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.

Event Coordinator: 
Tavie T
Safety Officer